February 17, 2025

Alvin Sowels

Aesthetic Exterior Design

Advice On How To Make Your Home Accessible


You’re a savvy homeowner, and you’ve made sure your home is in great shape. But what about making it accessible? With all the renovations you’re probably planning to make in the next few years, why not include wheelchair ramps and railings? If you want to make sure everyone has access to your home, here are some ways you can do so:

Be sure your home is wheelchair accessible.

It’s a common problem that many people with disabilities have to deal with, but it doesn’t have to be an insurmountable obstacle. If you’re planning on buying or building your own home, take these steps to ensure that it will be accessible:

  • Make sure doors are wide enough for wheelchairs. Most standard door frames should be able to accommodate a wheelchair at least 36 inches wide (the width of most wheelchairs). If not, consider installing wider doors or removing some wall trimming around the door frame so there’s enough room for the person in question.
  • Be mindful of hallways and bathrooms when designing your space–they need room for maneuvering around corners and making turns without hitting any obstacles along the way! It may also make sense from an aesthetic standpoint as well; if someone is using crutches or walking sticks then they’ll need extra space between walls so they don’t knock over anything while moving around inside their house/apartment building etcetera…

Use grab bars in the bathroom and shower.

A grab bar is a horizontal bar that you can use to help yourself get in and out of the shower or tub. You can also install one in front of the toilet, or near the sink if you have balance issues and need extra stability when washing your hands.

Grab bars aren’t just for seniors or people who have lost their balance due to disease or injury–they’re also useful for anyone who wants to feel secure when getting around their own home!

Install ramps and railings to make stairs easier to navigate.

Stairs are a common feature in many homes, and they can be difficult to navigate for people who have mobility issues. There are a variety of options for making stairs easier to get up and down safely, but the most affordable option is installing ramps.

Ramps come in many materials and styles, including wood or metal versions that can be attached directly to the steps themselves so that you don’t need any extra space outside of your home’s foundation. If you’re looking for something more permanent than a temporary wooden ramp though (which might not hold up well over time), consider having it built into place permanently by professionals who know how best to integrate them into existing structures without compromising their structural integrity or aesthetics.

Have a plan in place if it becomes necessary to evacuate your home during an emergency.

Have a plan in place if it becomes necessary to evacuate your home during an emergency.

  • Plan to leave early. When there’s time, plan to leave before the storm arrives, or at least before it hits peak strength. The best way to do this is by car, because it gives you more flexibility than public transportation or walking.
  • Plan to leave with a friend or group of people–and make sure everyone has their own transportation! If the roads are blocked by downed trees and power lines, someone will need a way out so they don’t get trapped at home when things get dangerous outside (like if there’s flooding). Also remember that if there’s an evacuation order issued by local authorities–which happens often during hurricanes–you might not have much warning before they come knocking on your door telling everyone they need them gone ASAP!

Include accommodations for someone who is blind or visually impaired in your renovation plans, if needed.

  • Make sure you have a good lighting system in place. This will help someone who is blind or visually impaired to get around the house easily, as well as make it easier for them to see what they’re doing.
  • Ensure that there’s good contrast between the floor and walls, so that when walking around with their cane, they can tell which is up and which is down without having to feel along every step of the way.
  • Give ample warning before any changes in elevation occur–like stairs or thresholds–by using contrasting colors (e.g., dark blue carpeting on stairs versus white walls).

Consider installing a fire alarm system with strobe lights and/or a talking smoke detector.

Installing a fire alarm system with strobe lights and/or a talking smoke detector is an excellent way to alert people who are deaf or hard of hearing of the need to evacuate. If you have a fire alarm system, be sure it has been tested recently so that when it goes off in an emergency, you know it works!

You can also install smoke detectors throughout your home; these devices are designed to detect smoke from fires before they become larger and more dangerous. Smoke detectors are usually connected directly into an electrical outlet (they may also be battery-powered), so there’s no need for drilling holes into walls or ceilings if you don’t want them there permanently–just place one where you think it’ll do the most good!

Strobe lights are another great way of getting attention during emergencies: they flash rapidly while making sounds similar those made by sirens on police cars when someone pulls over at night because their headlights aren’t working properly.”

There’s no reason why anyone should be excluded from your home because of their disability, so make sure you include them when updating your space!

You don’t have to let your disability limit your ability to enjoy your home. There are many ways that you can make your space accessible and comfortable, so everyone feels welcome in it.

Whether you’re renovating an existing property or building a new one, there are some simple steps that will help make sure everyone can enjoy their time at home together.


We hope this article has given you some insight into how to make your home accessible. Whether it’s a simple change like adding grab bars in the bathroom or something more extensive like installing ramps and railings on stairs, there are plenty of ways to make sure everyone will feel welcome in your home.

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